Best Practices for Industrial Paint Storage – Industrial paints are tricky to handle (this holds true even for the pros). Mishandling this toxic medium can get far from bringing a place to life with colors, to becoming a health and fire hazard. And let’s not forget about the sheer monetary loss that comes from damaged paint. Thankfully though, we’ve got some very helpful practices, which — if followed correctly — will make industrial paint storage a total breeze for you.
Control the Temperature of The Surroundings
Temperature control is of primary importance when it comes to storing paints. Different kinds of paints need to be stored at different temperatures, and thus, the temperature of the place where the paints are stored needs to be regulated at all times. Installation and maintenance of an HVAC system is a must. To decrease the cost that comes with temperature management, the insulation of the area may be changed in accordance with the seasonal changes. The temperature of the paints should be recorded twice-thrice every day to help ensure that no mishaps occur.
Make Sure That the Area of Storage Is Properly Ventilated
Paints emit toxic vapors, and without proper ventilation, these fumes will remain trapped within the storage chamber and pose serious fire risks. To avoid this, it is important that the area has proper ventilation.
Make Sure That the Location is Completely Fire-Proof
Alongside ventilation, there are also several steps that need to be taken in order to prevent fire hazards. Vapor detectors need to remain active at all times. Paints are flammable in nature, and thus, you need to make sure that the area is declared a strict no-smoking zone. The placement of warning signs is crucial as a passive method of preventing accidents. You should also ensure that you have working smoke and fire alarms in the facility. Other methods to control fires include building the storage room with fire-proof materials for an added layer of protection.
Make Arrangements to Handle Spilling
In a working area, paint spills are extremely common, but it is important that they are handled with care and efficiency to prevent any damages. Make sure that the flooring of the facility is made with a material that makes the cleaning of spilled paint a breeze. Before closing the facility, it should also be a regular task of one or more workers to make sure that none of the paint containers are leaking.
Ensure That the Area Is Correctly Labeled
Lastly, labeling the storage area is extremely important to prevent accidents due to outside forces. The area should have ample warning signs which communicate the hazardous and flammable nature of the paints inside. The area should also be locked and closed-off to entities other than the crew. Signs should also be placed informing the people that they must not engage in smoking or activities which involve the usage of fire around the area.
While these steps may be quite intimidating, you should know that once you do get used to them, these precautions will come as second nature to you, and you won’t have much trouble following them. Make sure to store your paints in a properly lighted area, provide your workers with proper safety gear, and always dispose of damaged paints safely.